A better life 

What comes to mind when you read the words ‘healthy habits’? Healthier food habits? Exercising? Getting rid off excess junk from your home? Lifestyle changes? Whatever it may be, you’re on the right track; healthy habits could be anything related to your life, no matter how old you may be.

You obviously want to begin your day on a good note and I find that getting a good night’s rest really helps. It doesn’t necessarily mean eight or over eight hours of solid sleep. Sleep patterns and hours can vary depending on your age and lifestyle but if you can try to count in at least five hours of good sleep, you’re good to go. Also, it helps to keep thinking out loud of how good a rest you had to make your body and mind believe that you actually did. Create a night and morning routine that works for you and will help you achieve this. Having a relaxed hour or so before bed, and waking up to a routine the next day are great habits to adopt as you go.

I don’t do this enough but remind yourself to continuously hydrate your body. 70% of our bodies hold water and are in need of liquids; if we don’t feed it what it needs, your body is going to feel dehydrated, lack energy and eventually not function as it should. You may have read multiple articles on how you should drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, but then again this varies too. Simply, drink as much as you can; I find that a large mug every morning, before a meal, after a meal, in between snacks, and a final one before bed is the best way I can adopt this healthy habit.

It’s important that you feed your body good food and by that I mean, the right amount of nutrients and vitamins it requires. Adopting a strict clean diet without giving yourself the opportunity to indulge on a treat every now and then isn’t the way to live life. You’re going to go through your daily routine unhappily depriving yourself, when you simply plan your meals around giving in to a treat or two. Exercise is another way you can take care of your body; whether it’s a sport you enjoy, walking, running or yoga, choose one that you enjoy and can see yourself adopting into your lifestyle. You don’t have to stick to doing it every single day of the week. Instead, twice or thrice a week is good enough.

As much as it is important to feed and nourish your body, you should be doing the same for your mind. We can tend to get caught up in the fast-paced world that we live in, with technology taking over every step of our lives. What I’d recommend is to escape from all that rush every now and then, and clear and refresh your mind. Whether it’s keeping aside your phone and other gadgets for a couple of hours a day, taking a vacation, meditating or even speaking with a therapist, choose what works and helps you.

Surrounding yourself with the people and things that you love and enjoy is another great habit you should adopt. Ever have toxic people that suck the life and energy out of you? I’ve had a few negative souls that I had to cut ties with and in all honesty, having a small circle of very close, and truly understanding compassionate friends is way better than having a hundred that make me feel all things negative and add weight to my shoulders. I also love books, so I make it a point to read one at least once a month (I aim for two).

Life is only as complicated as you make it seem. Have positive thoughts and a positive mind, let it out into the universe, and it will come back to you in great ways. If you believe in karma, then you’d understand exactly what I’m saying. Do good things, be a good person, have good thoughts and it’ll come back to you in exactly those forms. Put a smile on that face and face the day in a positive and healthier manner. It’s not rocket science; good luck!

A rare breakfast 

Breakfast is all important fare if you’re Sri Lankan. We take our first meal of the day very seriously and if it isn’t fulfilling, the meals of the rest of the day are going to amount to nothing. In terms of the number of restaurants and cafes swarming the city, Colombo has plenty of options to offer but when it comes to a hearty morning meal that tastes as good as it looks and is priced just right, places are hard to find.

Rare at Residence may have reputation for fine-dining fare with equally fine prices, they’re very quickly becoming the rave for their newest breakfast menu. Keeping in mind the importance of quality over quantity and price, none of the listings are priced over Rs. 900 and include some breakfast choices you definitely won’t find elsewhere.

Creating the menu definitely took its course of time as the team behind the restaurant and management wanted to ensure they got each item of the menu just right. Whether it’s the eggs Benedict or the house-made granola, they’ve harnessed the dishes down to the tee with exceptional flavour, precise technique and great quality.

A morning cuppa joe is important and the menu consists of both hot and cold drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, teas, smoothies and milkshakes. Their Baker’s Corner includes house-made baked goodies; croissants, muffins and doughnuts. To kick off the tasting experience, we placed an order of the hot latte with baileys and hot chocolate, and a plate of the muffins and croissants.

As someone who loves the typical chocolate muffin, I thought it was only fair that I’d try the pineapple and cinnamon one as well as the wild berries muffin. The fruitiness of the pineapple thankfully wasn’t too overpowering and it was well balanced with the touch of spice from the cinnamon in it. The wild berry muffin on the other hand was quite delicious, although I wouldn’t have minded more fruit chunks in it. The croissants blew my mind away. They were light and airy, crispy on the top and soft on the insides. Almonds croissants are a tough feat to get by; but the creamy compote that oozed out with each bite was truly a delight.

The main menu includes a bowl of porridge; a blend of oats, barley, almonds, organic quinoa, flax seeds, cashew, walnuts, cinnamon, served with honey and poached pear. If you happen to be a someone who is conscious about eating clean and healthy, this is certainly a good option. I’d also recommend the breakfast sundae that is made of house-made granola, mixed berries, honey, curd and mint. Every crunchy bite topped off with the curd and honey was quite expectedly delicious. I wasn’t too keen on the cinnamon and oatmeal pancakes because I happen to prefer plain ones with chocolate chips, but a bite of this certainly changed my mind. The pancakes has the right amount of fluff and flavour, and the topping which was a ‘pani’ apple compote really pulled it together; another great healthy breakfast option.

Any French toast fans out there? Rare’s version of this favourite includes cinnamon, passion fruit, caramelized banana, pure honey, ‘lovi’ and ‘pani’ apple compote; a burst of fruity goodness with each mouthful. There’s also the usual additions – a plate of seasonal fresh fruits, eggs any style you’d prefer from gruffly scrambled ones with topped off with feta and even a typical spicy omelette. Sausages, bacon, chicken, extra cheese and so on can be added upon request.

The rare version of an eggs Benedict was of an toasted English muffin, capers, pickled shallots, hollandaise sauce, to which you can add smoked salmon as well. Unlike most Sri Lankans, I do love my runny eggs and breaking into the meal was pure satisfaction. The hollandaise sauce was perfection. The Manner crab received a similar reaction, as it included poached eggs, avocado, tomatoes, micro greens, served on a sourdough toast. If you’d prefer something slightly different, try the crispy eggs which includes soft boiled eggs coated in local spices, asparagus cream, toasted English muffin. The asparagus sauce adds a unique touch of flavour to the entire dish. The bagel with bacon, scrambled eggs, micro greens, cream cheese, caramelized onions, and the cured wild salmon, avocado picked onions, dill, crème fresh, potatoes were two of my favourites as well; both dishes had a fresh flavourful bite.

If you’re someone who can’t seem to get away from the local palette of breakfast options, you won’t be disappointed; there’s kiribath and pol roti, with fish curry, chicken ambulthiyal, dhal, lunu miris, and assorted sambols.

Jungle Shakti 

If you’re a yoga enthusiast and also a vegan, love to stroll on Instagram, you’d have definitely come across Nancy Chalmers aka Jungle Shakti. Her feed is not just colourful, but her posts are meaningful and generates a lot of positivity. Although her day job is as a graphic designer for Acalia Digital (she does branding, photography, and social media content creation) her “passion” is, of course, the healing arts – yoga, plant-based cuisine and transformational health retreats.  

After over a decade working in a 9-5 office job in the Melbourne city, Nancy spent some time at a Raw Vegan Healing Retreat in Bali which completely transformed her health and inspired her to study Holistic Nutrition. She then became a health coach, and a vegan, and published a series of cookbooks and launched her personal blog under the name Jungle Shakti. 

When she met her husband, a photographer and hospitality consultant from Kandy – Nancy admits she knew it was time to move to paradise. “As soon as we arrived in Sri Lanka, I knew I was ‘home, – and it has been magical and serendipitous ever since! I studied my 200 hr yoga teacher training and now run retreats at Rukgala, nestled in the hillside near Victoria Lake”. 

In conversation: 

Why Jungle Shakti? 

Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy that flows through the entire universe – sometimes referred to as ‘The Great Divine Mother’. I feel that it is present in the plant foods and medicines that we eat, in sunlight, in the fresh clean air, in waterfalls, in butterflies dancing past, in the light of the full moon – all around us! And we can tap into this energy whenever we connect with mother nature. My goal is to help people connect with this energy, transform their lives and their health.  
What made you decide to become a yoga instructor and also a vegan? 

Yoga and meditation really helps me tap into this ‘Shakti’ magic I mentioned above. For me, it is a form of daily devotion to the ‘source’. A way of thanking it for another precious day on the planet, in this miracle, in this physical form. It is incredibly powerful for transforming body, mind and spirit and – keeping you youthful and full of energy and creativity! It’s a way of creating and attracting deep magic into your life – not just touching your toes.  

My reasons for becoming a vegan are so many, but first of all it was for my health. Meat has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a stage 1 carcinogen; the same category as cigarettes. For many years I was unexplainably ill – I had the worst immune system, I couldn’t control my weight or my moods. Plants are medicine. As soon as I turned vegan I noticed major improvements, my skin was glowing, my eyes were bright, I never got sick anymore and I had an abundance of energy. Every year, it keeps getting better. I’m about to turn 37 and I have never felt better!  

Also, I am vegan for the animals and for the planet. As a Bhakti Yogi, I follow ‘Ahimsa’ which means, “do no harm”. Meat and dairy are extremely cruel industries that I cannot support with a clear conscience. I feel it is out of respect to Shakti, our mother earth, to protect these innocent animals.

What are the challenges you’ve experienced as an instructor? 

No real challenges actually – I have had an amazing time teaching so far and every class is different… perhaps only the challenge of taking it slow on my own body and not expecting progress too quickly or pushing myself beyond my limits. Need to remember I am 37 and not attempt handstands without warming up properly, for example! It is in my nature to fly and jump and be free, so I just need to learn to slow it down sometimes and stay grounded and patient. 
How do you build relationships with students? 

Each student is unique and has their own set of needs – I guess I have a nurturing/loving nature and I just want to see my students smiling blissfully during and after class. My favourite part is seeing the “A-Ha” moment and knowing I have played a small part in changing their lives! In the Bhakti tradition, yoga is a way of connecting to the divine and “feeling the love”. It is a very nurturing, accepting form of yoga and sees us all as brothers and sisters – one big family. So I guess I build a relationship with my students by making them feel like family! 
What is your greatest weakness and what are you doing to improve it? 

Ahh… As a business-woman too, I need to balance my time on social media and marketing with taking time out to connect with myself. It’s hard to find a balance between the real world and the virtual one in this day and age. In the morning, instead of reaching for my phone to check emails and messages, I need to meditate and sit quietly with the sunrise – that doesn’t happen enough! I am trying to set aside time for these daily rituals wherever possible – must practice what I preach! 
What made you decide to come to Sri Lanka? 

I grew up in a tropical part of Australia – far north Queensland. The climate and plants and animals and way of life is very similar to Sri Lanka. I moved to the big, cold city for university and to start my career but left a piece of my heart in the tropics. I had dreamed of island life for many years but had never managed to leave the city… and then I met my husband, what luck that he was Sri Lankan! Haha! A few months later we moved and have never looked back. Although, I do miss Australia and my family! 

You host retreats; what is a retreat all about and why do you do it? 

Retreats are really the best way to create lasting transformation and begin an energy shift that can carry with you back to your every day life. It’s great to get students away from their day-to-day experience to meet other like-minded spirits and really immerse themselves in the experience. On retreats we learn so much “off the mat” – meditation, beauty rituals, connecting with nature, creative visualisation, healthy cooking classes and have time to relax in the pool and get to know each other. Also, blissful sleep without thinking about work for a few days is so important! 
How important is meditation in yoga? 

Yoga IS meditation! Moving your body and focusing the ‘monkey mind’ is a form of meditation in itself. No matter how you access it, or how little you practice – even just a short guided meditation or those 10 minutes in Savasana at the end of practice – if you can just practice calming the mind once a day, you will see big changes in your world and in your body. 
You also create vegan dishes. How did you get into this and why?

As I mentioned above, it all started at the raw vegan healing retreat in Bali where I learned about this incredible way of cooking. So nutritious and full of enzymes and hydration to keep you youthful and radiant. Veganism really is the fountain of youth! I learnt to make ‘compassionate cuisine’ through several workshops in Bali and my holistic nutrition training. 
Whats your favourite dish to make? 

Raw vegan cakes! Vegan cheese! Smoothie bowls! Zoodles! Guacamole and anything with Mexican flavours! Oh, and nowadays… super hot Sri Lankan curries with gotu kola mallum! 
What is the most positive result of being a vegan? 

I am so much happier. Plants have a profound effect on your brain chemicals and prevents depression and anxiety. And I hardly ever get sick! Oh, and knowing that I am not contributing to the harm of sweet, innocent baby animals like chicks, lambs and calves means I can sleep peacefully at night with a clear conscience! 

My Saturday :)

I woke as usual this morning; groggy and a little angry that it was 8am. I forced myself back to sleep and was back up by 10am. Still too early I thought in my head but then one of my besties buzzed me about my plans for the day. Of course I had no solid plans so I jumped the gun and said let’s do something. We got another one of my besties up as well and here’s a look at our day at t Lounge, Upali’s by Nawaloka, Flamingo House and the Viharamaha Devi Park!

Cheese and mushroom waffle


Spicy chicken crepe


Blueberry and pomegranate iced tea


Outdoor look of Flamingo House


You are asked to leave little love notes on the tables outside; I couldn’t think of anything fancy to write so I wrote an inspiring quote instead 😀


The interior


The famous flamingo!


Apple and raspberry juice, and apple and cucumber juice
The view of the Colombo Municipal Council from the Viharamaha Devi Park




My Saturday 

I love the weekend and so here’s a look at how my Saturday was! 


My bestie and I decided to head over to Upalis for a bit of a late lunch. We picked the Negambo black curry prawn accompanied by basmati white rice, pol sambol and papadam. The prawn curry was to die for and had the right amount of spice and favour! Soooo good! 

Also decided to opt for a refreshing amberella juice to quench my thirst before walking across the road and making our way towards Jagro for dessert. 


Couldn’t help but dig into the strawberry sundae. It includes three huge scoops of vanilla ice cream, strawberries and chocolate sauce. 

We also went on a quick shopping spree to Mondy but I didn’t snap any pictures from there. I did pick out a light linen black top for half off so yay me! 

Have a good weekend everyone! 


Resolutions Update – 1



As you all know, I made six New Year Resolutions for this year. I’m not one to usually make any at all but I thought this year would be different and I would do my best to keep up with them. So, I thought every three months, I’ll give you guys an update as to how far along I’ve been keeping up with my resolutions and this would be my first update 🙂

Two of my resolutions had to do with a healthy lifestyle… probably three. I wanted to eat healthy, continue with my yoga practices and also stay away from fizzy and unhealthy drinks. Super thrilled to say, I have been sticking with all three. I love salads and soups so I have been having more of them as a whole meal, I’ve also been practising yoga three to four times a week and I’ve had no fizzy drinks since the beginning of this year. Yay me! I’ve also taken a few extra steps to do a bit of cardio every now and then during the week and weekend whenever I have the time and I actually feel myself become stronger and fit.

I’ve also been reading quite progressively over the past two months and I am super duper happy about it. I actually missed holding a book in my hand so to have me back on the reading bandwagon is such a happy and satisfying feeling. I’ve already ordered another book online for the month of April. As for blogging a couple of times a week, you guys can obviously tell, I am making a huge effort to make sure I have posts very frequently. I do not want to fall off that bandwagon and neglect this blog, especially when it’s just about a year since I started. I didn’t quite realise that until writing this post right now…. oh boy it’s been a year!!!! Just want to take a moment and say a HUGE thank you to all my followers and fellow bloggers you have been supporting me throughout this journey, and also another round of thank yous to my family and friends 🙂 🙂

As for expanding my little online business, I will be featured in a teen magazine next month! Yes, this is another step towards the expansion process and I am so happy and feel so blessed to be where I am in my life right now. Things are really working out well so once again a big thank you to everyone who has supported me through the thick and the thin!

That’s it from me guys, until next time xoxoxo!

Lunch at Barefoot Gallery



Another month into the year and another lunch date with a good friend 😀 Seriously, time is freaking me out because it seems to go by so fast… let’s leave that for a separate blog post and another day! So, back onto lunch with my gal, we decided to go to the Barefoot Gallery Cafe. This is one of my most favourite spots in the city purely because they also have a gallery that I frequently visit (every month).

I hadn’t been there for lunch in sometime but I do remember their food being super fresh, tasty and well presented. I picked a fresh lime juice and a healthy vegetable cheese bread sandwich for my meal – this included tomatoes, garden leaves, aubergines, celery and tomato. It’s not something I’d usually go for but it was super flavourful and I enjoyed it very much.


Lunch with the besties!

Thai Chicken Pita Wrap

Today was a day to hangout and meet up with my besties. We decided to lunch at White & Co which is a neat restaurant along Marine Drive, Colpetty.

I’d never been to this restaurant before so I was really looking forward to checking out their menu and trying out their food. The menu wasn’t exactly lengthy but the choices and prices were pretty good. I decided to go with the Thai Chicken Pita Wrap which totally surprised me because the greens were so fresh and crunchy. The chicken on the other hand wasn’t so Thai like but I did like the taste nevertheless. 

Later during the day, it was another meet up with another two friends. One wanted to have a light meal so we went with sushi at Nihonbashi, Odel.


Coco Veranda

Everyone has a favourite hangout in town. Mine (for pretty much since its inception)has been Coco Veranda.

Coco V

That’s what it looks like from the outside. It’s located at No. 32 Ward Place, Colombo 7. To be honest, the space isn’t all too large but is cosy and neat.

I love two things about this place – oki on second thought maybe three: firstly I love that the food and drinks are always so good. Consistency is great and customers are hardly ever disappointed. Secondly the oh so friendly staff who are pretty much like friends to me. Lastly I simply love that its located just a street away from where I live!

Black coffee to wake you up!

Here’s what I love on their menu – my favourites might be extensive but hey that’s gonna give you a wide range of choices if you ever do want to try it out! The chicken peri peri sandwich comes in a baguette or ciabatta filled with fresh lettuce, tomatoes, a couple of onions for zest and dynamite tossed up chicken slices. For those who love spicy food, give this a try. I’d recommend you try it along with a fabulous strawberry mojito. Non alcoholic! 

Refreshing iced tea

They keep introducing new items on their menu every month or so there’s always something great to look forward to. Last night I tried out a new addition – a kiwi and apple crush. I loved the tanginess of the kiwi and the fruity apple combination. As a chilled drink, this is something that would melt away the heat and make you feel totally refreshed. I’m also a huge fan of iced teas so anything from lemon to peach is damn good enough for me!

Zesty beverages

Do give their salads a try; the strawberry salad is a must. I also favour the saffron rice with chicken satay for a light lunch. The peanut sauce is perfect unlike in some other restaurants that just can’t get it right.  They’d also personalise certain items on the menu so you can turn a creamy prawn pasta into a chilli spicy one like I do whenever I go there for an early dinner. Pair it with their deluxe white chocolate frappe and you’re set.

Spicy rice

You can’t leave without trying some of their desserts! The famous death by chocolate is a rich chocolaty cake but I’d also recommend you try each and every one of their mouth watering cheesecakes. My favourite is the passion fruit one. Their banofee is something I can’t speak for because I’m not a banana fan but I do have plenty of friends who simply love it.

Passionately passion fruit

Other snack type of foods include tacos – they do a vegetarian version as well as a non vegetarian one with minced meat. It could pass for a light lunch but the average Sri Lankan will find it not too filling. The creamy pumpkin soup is an ideal appetizer if you decide to pair it with a healthy salad. I like having rice in the afternoons so I usually go for a tossed up rice and curry – Coco style! Newly introduced on their menu is also the jollof rice (South African apparently) and their spicy mixed rice (also vegetarian)as part of their daily lunch offers.

Juicy burger

They also have an outlet at Crescat Boulevard located at Colpetty and next to the Cinnamon Grand Hotel. Do hope on over and you’ll definitely keep going back! 🙂

Have a great day all! ♡

*ps – pix courtesy Coco Veranda